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Customize Your Bathing Environment

When it comes to remodeling your bathing environment, it is vital that you are able to customize your bathroom the way you want. The bath products that Level Up Baths installs come in a variety of different colors and patterns. In Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus, OH, you have the opportunity to enhance your bathroom completely. The showers, bathtubs, and accessories that we carry are all available in different styles, colors, and designs. This wide selection of high-quality products and materials allows you to make your bathroom renovation your own. When you choose us, our team will walk you through your options and help you design the bath or shower of your dreams.

bathroom shower

Gorgeous Colors & Patterns to Choose From

In addition to offering a range of shower and bathtub styles to choose from, we also offer every product in a variety of gorgeous colors and patterns. Whether you desire a marble pattern or a solid color, we have the necessary materials to create the bathroom you deserve. We believe that you shouldn’t have to compromise on anything. That is why all of our products are from BCI Acrylic. BCI Acrylic manufactures high-quality, durable, safe, and aesthetically pleasing bath products. No matter how big or small your bathroom is, our team is capable of enhancing it by installing a new bathtub or shower of your choice. Regardless of what color and pattern you choose, all the showers and bathtubs that we install are made of durable, non-porous high-tech polymer for easy cleaning and longevity.

Colors & Patterns We Offer

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Tile Patterns

12x12 Roma
10x10 Rosettes

Discover the Power of a New Bath or Shower System

We strive to provide the best bathroom remodeling services possible. That is why we offer all of the products we use in a variety of different colors and patterns. Our technicians know how important it is to get exactly what you want out of your bathroom renovation. Our goal is to help you pick out the most functional bathtub or shower for you. When you trust us, you won’t have to compromise on anything. You will experience the power of reliable products, durable materials, and aesthetically pleasing style and color options. Make your bathroom your own, and work with us today.

Contact Us Today to Transform Your Bath or Shower